Ricki Rouse

A bit about me.


Hi there,

Welcome to my page. You can call me Ricki. I’ll spare you all the cliche preamble about being a wife to a loving husband and mother to the cutest little toddler— they are my tribe and every bit of amazing. Ok, moving on. A bit about me… I think the people closest to me would describe me as deeply imaginative (that’s code for: I live in my head and am much more of an observer than a talker), creative and fiercely loyal. Seriously, don’t come for me or anyone in my tribe— as quiet and I may seem, I will cut you. I have a deep love for fashion and storytelling which is why I wanted to create a digital space where I could geek out on those things.

Speaking of geek, I like to think of myself as a nerd— and proud. I currently work in Tech, shout out to all the badass women in Tech. I believe that comic books contain some of the most transcendent themes ever written. I’ve spent many binge-hours aboard the starship USS Enterprise and in the halls of Hogwarts. If you don’t know who Jean Grey, Uhura, or Neville Longbottom are, I’m not sure we can be friends.

Some other random facts: 1. me and my family are the Black Royal Tenenbaums— huge fan of Wes Anderson (see above picture) 2. I believe that there is no better accessory than a gold hoop earring, I think I have one for every mood 3. 80’s/90’s era R&B and hip-hop is the theme music of my life— I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t listen to ATCQ or Sade. Yeah, so I’m kind of all over the place but hopefully, you’ll find a reason to stick around and explore. Cheers!